Monday 31 August 2009

Bank Holiday racing...

We have a busy day today 9 cards (of which 7 UK) normally very exciting but its a cacophony of low quality races with horrible timing and the volumes looking a bit thin on a lot of them

theres still a few gems in there so i'm going to concentrate on them rather than try and go through them all. Espicially when you think the Open is starting today although there may not be too much action on the opening day


Well, I seem to be able to create a blog... (which is good as i am a techie by trade) it may not look how i want be im sure i'll figure out more as we go on
I have created this blog because i wanted to keep track of my thoughts and to share my success and failures

I have recently been made redundant (gee thanks) and have dabbled in this gambling/trading thing for a few years - so whilst job hunting I will be looking to get additional income streams established and maybe one day....